Wind, cold, rain, damp. Nature was very upset today, this being the worst weather so far. I am sitting in an ancient church in Fromista Spain listening to the rain pound on the massive vaulted roof.
The one thing the pilgrim does the most is think: thoughts flood awareness surfacing many realities of the past, both pleasant and unpleasant.
My mom came into my consciousness with many fond memories that were accompanied by tears. My grandfather from Sicily used to say, "Don't think too much it will cause pain." The good memories are always followed by the memories buried, seemingly better forgotten. But we all know that these past "forgotten" memories need to surface so that the "Light" can shine on them. That is the way of life and of God: we need to be free by that which holds us back, limits us, controls us. My thinking is surfacing the ways I have lived life on the surface, focusing on what lies outside, not wanting to look within...deeply within. "Come out into the deep waters" Jesus urges us. A call to leave the superficial and"safe" pathways that lead no where.
Much like the Pharisees in today's gospel being so concerned with following the letter of law and religion which is another way of remaining on the surface. To plunge deep within demands that we confront unpleasant and at times painful thoughts from our past.
Sometimes our souls can be like tombs of lifelessness. But our religious observance looks nice and complete. And we remain in control of our salvation...and the salvation of those around us, so we think. Religion that is beautiful and good and true is religion that wants us to think and believe... To be free.... to go out into deep waters freeing our spirits from inner sepulchers.
Yes I am
thinking much these days and yes sometimes we can think too much. But the difficult and painful memories must be allowed to surface and they can only do so by thinking about them...letting them surface...being released. And not being able to feel the sand on the shore beneath our feet
but limitless water in the depths of God's Love.
Well said. Thank you. I needed that. Buen Camino