Sunday, October 21, 2012

Church in Mansilla de Los Mulas. Oct. 21, 2012

I had a beautiful walk in solitude. On the gospel, James and his brother ask Jesus if they can sit one at his right the other at his left in the Kingdom. These are places of prestige and honor.
Jesus then asks if they will to drink of the cup that he will drink from. They rush to say "yes." Jesus is referring to the cup of suffering. James and john didn't have a clue.

This Is the St James of the Camino..."Santiago" in Spanish. Ironically, James was the FIRST of the Apostles, it is believed, to have given his life, "drinking from the cup" , for the gospel by being decapitated.

It is believed he brought the gospel to Iberia, Spain, only to return to be martyred. Legend tells us that disciples of James brought his body back to Spain and buried him in the country where he brought the gospel. Somehow, they got his body over ocean waters in a marble sarcophagus.
No one knew where he was buried until a shepherd saw a field with stars blazing overhead in the dark night. The "field of stars" in Spanish is translated, "compostela." Hence, the Camino Santiago de Compostela.
There are so many legends regarding the why's and how's of this ancient pilgrimage. What is important is the faith that draws the pilgrim into a deeper relationship with Christ.
Believe it or not I was just chased out of the church in which I am writing this reflection. So much for the Year of Faith. At least he said , "buen camino."


  1. Why did they chase you out, Fr. Frank? That's a beautiful story. Wish I could have seen those stars. Blessings, Rose

  2. Those are some beautiful pictures!! I am disappointed that they rushed you out, however. I am praying for you! Sending my prayers, Laura

  3. Following your journey and enjoying your observations. What a fascinating experience!

  4. That's what you get for loitering!!


  5. Perhaps he didn't like the cup of Starbucks in your hand:) Hope this is a special day for you filled with all kinds of wonderful blessings. Sending prayers your way.

    Marilyn Aleide

  6. Happy Birthday, Padre. I hope you are spending it the best way possible. I really enjoy reading your blog. We missed you at our SPRED mass last Sunday. Fr. Barry presided beautifully in your stead. Our friends love our parish. We are looking forward to having you celebrate with our friends for the Spring Mass. Buon Camino and Feliz Cumpleanos!
