Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24, 2012

I can't remember the town I just arrived in, which is not a real good sign. What a difference a day makes. Yesterday I basked in the cultural glow and beauty of the big city Leon and now I sit outside a lonely bar drinking cafe con leche, muy caliente.
Life is filled with so many ups and downs. One of the pilgrims remarked that the moods change rapidly on the they do in everyday, ordinary life. Accepting this reality is a solid coping strategy that encourages one when times seem down or empty.

It is when times are down that God enters and fills the void. He gives us all the Grace to keep moving forward and stop looking for endless excitement or ways to numb the pain. I, myself, have used television, food and alcohol to escape the void. It NEVER works but only makes the void larger.
I accept this difficult moment and simply observe the elderly cabballeros playing there card game, enjoying the present moment. Underneath this quiet village is that can be seen and lived by simply letting life inside and stop thinking about tomorrow or how I can escape.
One way of connecting with life is to know the name of the town I am in right now. I must know the name and so I ask the young woman behind the bar who writes down the name on a sheet of paper. I WANT the correct spelling for some reason. And so am sitting in a cafe in a small town west of Leon called: Villarreal de Mazarife. I no longer feel so low, but actually feel more connected, as a gentleman gently nudges me, smiles from coast to coast and says, "Buen Camino."
I leave for my "Refugio" or "albergue" feeling uplifted and joyful. How quickly the whisper of God's Presence changes everything. To all of you: buen camino. Padre


  1. Happy Birthday Fr. Frank. Your family is with you.

  2. Your wonderful comments and insights reinforce why you are so missed at St Teresa of Avila. Walk well and keep the pictures & comments coming. You look great, thinner, but great. Peace & Love,
    Myrna and Tom
