Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A church with REAL candles. October 30, 2012

Walked into Valcarce which is a huge truck stop. Nothing "atmospheric" about this place...so I thought. I took a stroll down a little path and walked just a bit, since the last thing you want to do at rest time is walk. As I turned around I saw a run down looking building with a small cross on top. I almost missed it. It was a tiny little church with real, true candles lit by wooden match sticks!!! I lit a candle for all of you.

What a find...the kingdom of heaven us like a mustard seed or a dash of yeast. Both images are hidden, they need to be looked for and can easily be missed. But when found or unearthed everything changes; our attitude; our focus; our mind; our heart. May the candle I lit dispel all the far messes that haunt you....may the light who is Christ lead you to look in small,
unassuming places for his kingdom. When found something ignites in our hearts transfiguring our beings so that we become like the candle : the light of God for another human being... a wayward pilgrim to find their own path to the Light. And it keeps growing and growing like a tiny mustard seed or some yeast in the dough. This KINGDOM is what Jesus keeps referring to in the gospel, a reality he came to ignite within our hearts. Yes, it is WITHIN your very heart.
Try making some real bread with real yeast. Kneed the dough as God knees you spirit and leave it alone for the warmth to take hold. Leave for a time and return to see how it has grown. An earthy image that speaks the kingdom. It grows in hidden and unseen ways. I lit a real, true candle for YOU that you rediscover the kingdom in your own life.. In your own heart. Buen camino. Padre


  1. Hi Father Frank! I am touched that you lit a candle for me! I have wonderful news!!! Deacon Dean let me know that a couple by the name of Karin and Jeff Pryor will be our prepare facilitators!!! He said that we will meet with them twice before meeting with you when you return the second week in April!!! I am filled with joy!!!

  2. Hi Padre - Just stopping by to catch up on your walk and say hi! Hope you are doing well. Thanks for all that you write - I appreciate it.

