Thursday, March 21, 2013

Relics of St. Francis. March 21,2013

While walking through Assisi I know that Francis is leading me, or perhaps following me to support me when I stumble. When leaving the main road through the town, one enters a labyrinth of tiny streets and cul de sacs. When walking a labyrinth one journeys toward the center, who is God. In Assisi, these labyrinths always lead to the main road, "the way."

I make my way to the lower basilica to pray before the relics if st Francis : his tunic, habit, slippers, cincture or cord , the actual written rule of Francis, a portion if his actual ashes. These tangible objects simply remind me that Francis walked these same pathways I am walking. Francis is real. The labyrinths he walked led him to follow Christ is the most radical way.
In falling more in love with Christ I have felt closer to Francis as ever. I love this'd saint , this man, this follower of Christ.
Whole my name may be the same God does not me or anyone else to be Francis or Clare or Teresa. One of each of these great saints is enough. God needs YOU to become the saint that he wants you to become. Francis and Teresa and all the rest of the recognized, canonized saints are guides and intercessors. There are countless more saints. YOU are one of them.

Francis, Teresa, Ignatious, John of the Cross are my personal guides. Without them I would be lost. This great Communion of Saints is one of the greatest Treasures of the Catholic faith. We need these holy men and women to remind us that the "Way" of Jesus is truly possible.

In today's gospel, the leaders just couldn't see in and through the humanity of Jesus the One sent by the Father. Can you blame them? After all,he did look ordinary and came from an ordinary family. What was missing for these leaders was a softened heart to "see" things, people and the world in an entire new light. "If today you hear his voice harden not your
hearts, " says the psalmist.
A question we must all ask , "what is the condition of my spiritual it soft so God can enter,reshape and refashion, or is it hard, making it impossible for God to transform?
Francis is giving me the courage to ask the question. The answer....
Buen camino. Francesco

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