Monday, February 25, 2013

I Have Measured Out My Life in Coffee Spoons. February 26, 2013

The above title of this blog is a partially accurate verse in a poem by t.s. Elliot. While I love coffee and for the life of me could never give it up for Lent, I hope the measure with which I am measuring out my life goes way beyond coffee. Even if it involves that first precious cup in the morning. Today's gospel from Luke has one of my favorite verses: the measure you measure with will be measured back to you. Once again, a very loose translation, but I know you get the meaning.

Jesus is telling us just before uttering this verse to stop judging others. How hard is this to do. We make judgements everyday of our lives. And so we must. When someone is engaging in a dishonest act , we make a judgement; when someone days something hateful, we make a judgement. But judging actions is much different than judging people and the stats of their souls. Even the church, especially the church,its be very careful in this regard.

This morning's news had given us more scandal involving high ranking cardinals caught in compromising positions. So it is alleged. One of these very cardinals had made harsh statements regarding homosexuality , gay marriage and other related issues. I hope and pray the allegations are proven wrong, the fact he just resigned does not bode well. Time can only tell.

We who lead are in precarious positions because our lives are under a microscope and any unfortunate past sin can come to the surface. These are vulnerable times for the church. If we speak the church's teaching in ways that are "judged" to be condescending and "judgmental " we are open for the charge of hypocrisy, when our words and actions do not coalesce.

The measure with which you measure...we receive what we give or put forth. Each and everyone of us is measuring out our lives in some fashion. The more we love, the more we set examples, the more we speak with compassion, even in areas we are passionate about, the more we sacrifice for the other, the more we will receive in abundance.

I believe the new pope must measure out his papacy with decisive actions to start anew with a clean slate, and that means a new Curia. It means bringing in men and women within all the congregations to help govern the church. And I am speaking of lay women and men. The new pope, I hope ,measures with sound teaching but a willingness to LISTEN and dialogue. That he measures out the papacy in the Spirit of Christ. Face the realities. Measure out in honesty not in a denial of problems and embarrassing situations. Christ's Spirit doesn't want the successor of Peter to "lord over" his authority on the People of God. The Spirit of Jesus clearly wants the pope to wash feet and lead humbly.

May the next pope measure out his life by washing feet and allowing others to wash his. All of us priests, bishops and cardinals need to truly understand that we have sinned, we are sinners and we need to measure out our teaching and demeanor appropriately.
Buen camino. Padre Francesco

1 comment:

  1. How funny, I gave up coffee for Lent!!! I did not quit all at once, but gradually.

    Take care.

