Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2013

Yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany which celebrates the gospel spreading to all cultures and nations: the love of Christ knows NO boundaries. Actually, the Epiphany points to three moments in the life of Christ that "manifested" his divinity: the arrival of the Magi, the baptism of the Lord by John and the transformation of the water into wine at Cana.
In his baptism Christ makes holy all the waters of baptism. The transformation of the water into wine prefigured the Eucharist and Christ pouring out his heart in love.
Each one of us is like a receptacle that is empty of worry and self centeredness only to be filled with the Presence of God. When this pouring of love occurs within the heart we shine, creating a living, human Epiphany. We manifest the divinity of Christ in our humanity. Christ emptied himself only that we might be filled. Buen camino. Padre

1 comment:

  1. Nice windows. Reminds me, a little, of somewhere here in Chicago.
    Have a good trip, Fr Frank.
