Saturday, January 26, 2013

Airport. January 26, 2013

I love the airport. Here I sit with over four hours until my flight leaves for Madrid and then Rome. I love snow and the winter....and I love airports. Here I sit with two very heavy suitcases and a Starbucks in hand watching....observing.
Perhaps it is all the energy ; maybe it is the huge diversity of humanity passing by. Right next to me are sitting people from Japan, India and America. Everyone is going somewhere....

As we are waiting to leave, thousands are arriving from countless destinations, perhaps to come home; maybe a visit; or maybe a business meeting awaits. Comings and goings. Arrivals and departures. Life.

Human beings are always arriving, entering the circle of life. Their lives are just beginning, with countless destinations waiting to unfold. But others are leaving this great circle to complete the greatest of life's journey. Our beloved Ruth is on this threshold to a transformed life where she will watch over the love of her life, Fred, and will continue to be a spark of love at our food distribution.

The sadness and grief is what ultimately units us and binds us together. As the reading from Hebrews at today 's mass says, he poured out his Blood, his very life, so that he could prepare the way for each one of us. We enter heaven, the kingdom, only because Christ had made it possible through his pouring out of his life. Heaven had been opened for ALL people through the greatest sacrifice of all. This is the sacrifice that is made present at every mass celebrated. Every Eucharist is an experience of the moment of Calvary? Of passion, sacrifice , and resurrection. And Christ had given us HIS very Body and Blood for the journey. For the many departures and arrivals....
The sadness in letting go of the people we love, like Ruth, is met with the joy that we will see our loved one again when our moment comes to depart this world. Joy kisses sadness, and life is reborn. Buen camino. Padre

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