Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Rainbow and the Cross. June 17, 2013

I am sitting in my room on the third floor of the rectory watching nature suddenly displaying its diversity... Right before my eyes. Dark, black clouds filled the sky and emptied their contents of liquid pelting the rooftops, only to have the sunlight piercing the sky from the West creating a beautiful rainbow that slowly disappeared in the clouds being carried away by the breeze. Sun, clouds, rain , rainbow , wind...all within two minutes of gazing.

But note : from my view, the rainbow ended on top of the old school building surrounding the cement cross that sits on the roof. What a magnificent scene if nature 's ever changing beauty. This all happened as I was praying the Scriptures for this Sunday' s gospel, in which Jesus us predicting his passion , death and resurrection. God was clearly working with me.

The rainbow that enveloped the cross represents the main colors that " color" our world. The rainbow has become a symbol of the covenant that God made with the Human Family through Noah; the rainbow has come to represent the diversity in the Human Family; the rainbow is a symbol of hope and promise for people if all cultures. The cross on top of our old school building was absorbed in these beautiful rich and natural colors.

How appropriate , for the Cross of Christ embraces ALL people's and cultures at all times: past, present and future. On the Cross was crucified the One who embodied Love in all its forms and colors.
The end of the rainbow was far better from my vantage point, for the rainbow ended not in a pot of gold, but in the Cross of resurrected Love.
Buen camino. Padre.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Encounter on the El. June II, 2013

I was waiting for the southbound brown line at Wellington after visiting a parishioner at Illinois Masonic. A worker from CTA was on the platform cleaning things up and picking up debris. We started to talk about why I was there on a Sunday and he opened up about his family and job. He was intrigued when untold him I was the pastor of st Teresa of Avila since he thought he knew all the churches in Lincoln park but somehow missed out on set. Teresa's. So he boarded the train to find out where this church was on armitage.
Seeing the little church he made it clear he wanted to come back. this happened about two weeks ago. This morning I was setting up the church for a funeral. I left the church to get a cup of coffee and when I returned, there was a man kneeling in front of the altar praying. I saw him as he began to stand up....he was the man I met on the El. I forgot to ask him his name, so he remains nameless in my memory. But the encounter I will never forget not his face.

The woman in this Sunday's gospel who suddenly shows up during a dinner hosted by Simon a leading Pharisee; Jesus was the guest of honor. The woman had a reputation and she sought out Jesus to be healed and forgiven. She wanted to be set free. Simon just couldn't see the woman as Jesus saw her.

If only we can learn to see with different eyes...the eyes of faith...the eyes of Christ. We would never reduce a human being to a sinful situation or a reputation. I'm certain found out her name. Faces and names belong together. To call someone by name is a sign of care and intimacy.

My encounter with the man whose name I forgot had an impact on me and I hope on him too. In a brief time spent together we talked about faith and doubts and how religion fits in with the equation, if it even does. I felt free when I left this encounter. I felt grounded in God's Presence when I encountered him in the church this morning. He smiled at me and told me the next time he comes to St. Teresa's it will be for Sunday Mass. I was so surprised he was there that I never asked him his name.
I hope and pray he returns. I want to finally know his name.
Burn casino. Padre

Friday, June 7, 2013

Outsider. June 7, 2013

The word which haunts me after praying over the readings for this weekends liturgy is "outsider." Two widows lose their sons...both are transformed into outsiders since they didn't have a male protector. St. Paul becomes an outsider after his conversion, both from fellow Jews and Christians. Misunderstood.
Elijah restores the widow' son through repeated gestures and pleas; Jesus restores the widow's son with a simple gesture and word, "Rise." Nothing mire us needed from the One who restores, calls to life, welcomes the "outsider" within the reality of Love.
The message: we are to go to those on the outside and make them insiders through the divine Love pulsing in our spirits.
I am reading the diaries if Dorothy Day, the one who chose to follow God's call to reach out to the outsider. Sounds beautiful and gospel and so it is. But she relates the loneliness in her life and the difficulties if such a life. The " odors" of the poor can be difficult at times to breath in. Odors of the outsider. Dorothy chose to live shoulder to shoulder with the outsider. Perhaps her greatest "duty of delight" ( a phrase she loved) was to be the outsider.
We live to create outsiders: liberals turn conservatives into outsiders; conservatives turn liberals into outsiders; people "on the other side if the tracks" , people of different belief and color become outsiders; even the Boy Scouts struggle with who's in and who's out.
The church is at her best when she loves the people who are the outsiders to embrace their status as sons and daughters of God, a status that pushes the boundaries of Christ's Body to include the outsider.
The pilgrimage continues.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday. March 24, 2013 Assisi

The beauty, simplicity and even pageantry of the Liturgy swept me up in its spirit. The palms were from olive trees and were blessed by the bishop of Assisi in front of the Church of Santa Maria , which was formerly the temple dedicated to the goddess Minerva. The building predates Christ.
We then processed up to the cathedral of San Rufino where the Mass was celebrated. Even though I didn't understand the language , the events of the Passion surfaced in my mind and the words, "forgive them Father they know not what they do." A life that lacks prayer and reflection is a life in which we become oblivious to our actions and demeanor. Much if the pain and suffering in life occurs because we "know not what we do." We often fail to think through decisions and plans, acting on impulse or with little thought.

Jesus knew exactly what HE was doing, by accepting the way of rejection and suffering on his shoulders. His Cross IS very heavy for it "carries" each one of us.
I use the present tense: the crucifixion is happening every moment because the event transcends time and place. The cross if Christ is very much "alive" in the suffering of the poor, the ill, the alienated , the despised and rejected , the abused
and neglected and in all of us whose lives are empty and seem to lack meaning. Every human being who lived, is living or will is with Christ in His Heart on that cross. Mercy and forgiveness are the balm that begins the slow process of transformation that breath Easter.

I write this in the lower basilica at the tomb of st. Francis. A beautiful quiet place to reflect on the Passion and Holy Week. The countless numbers of people are passing me by, pausing at the massive rock tomb, saying a prayer. Each one has a "story" that weaves in and out of Passion and Resurrection. Each one if us can become so oblivious to the Mystery out very lives were immersed in when we were baptized. And so we know not what we do....

Francis spoke to me in prayer a few days ago saying "Peace, brother," an Easter message to be lived and passed on. Buen camino. Francesco.

The photos are from the procession and tomb

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Sant Rufino: The Church of St. Francis' Baptism

In October of 1182, Francis was baptized in the baptismal font, shown in attached photo. Who could possibly my have known that when that to y baby was immersed in the waters of baptism, his destiny would one of humble greatness. Talk about an oxymoron! Francis, himself, said that he was destined for greatness.
His life began by being immersed in the waters of Christ's death and resurrection and his life marked a gradual transformation into being one with Christ in a way never l known before or seen since.
Francis ended his life by being so configured to Christ, in his deep love for Christ's Passion, that he was " marked" or pierced by the five wounds of the crucifixion : the Stigmata. As he lie dying he asked to be stripped completely naked and be placed on the bare earth which he loved so much. The softness of the dirt eased his tremendous pain. He died during the evening of October 3/4 on the bare earth just in his mid forties.
When you see Francis , you see Christ. The message if Francis: we are ALL called to mirror Christ. This can only happen by a reckless, lavish, and foolish Love.

But Love can be very painful, as you all know through your own experience. It demands a complete emptying of the self, allowing one to be wounded and "pierced" in spirit. To be configured to Christ means surrendering to God's work as the Sculptor, chiseling away at all that disfigures us and the work of art we are meant to become.

But the JOY, the absolute joy and ecstasy to allow this to happen and live freely in true freedom as a child of God. Francis showed us a way that can never be duplicated , nor should it. God has different plans and a different sculpture for each one of us.

Easter is the great Promise that we will emerge from God's artistic and divine touch as a New Creation. Christ. Risen. Alive. Forever. With ALL!!
Blessed Easter.
Buen camino. Francesco.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Scenes from Assisi: Where Heaven and Earth Kiss. March 22, 2013

The gospel today reflects the growing tension between Jesus and the religious leaders. It all books down to this: they have a deep problem with Jesus NOT because he does many marvelous acts and reached out to the poor but because he identifies himself with God the Father.
Blasphemy!! To believe that Jesus was a great prophet and a holy man in whom God worked miracles us fairly easy. To believe he is also God, here is where the problem begins and ends. It remains so even today.

I write this little homily sitting outside San Pietro, a small church in Assisi. As I have already mentioned , the presence of Francis is palpable. Francis became another Christ, receiving the Stigmata, which are the five wounds of Christ on his hands, feet and side precisely because he BELIEVED in the core of his being that Jesus was the Christ , the Son of the Living God.

Assisi, for me, is the most spiritual place I have ever been to. Yes, to use a phrase from the psalms, heaven and earth "embrace" here, but I would say "kiss " because of the deep intimacy encountered here. God IS our Lover. Once again, just read the Song of Songs in the Old Testament.
And he gave us the gift of Eucharist, the Sacred Meal that transforms bread and wine into his Body and Blood. We feed on his Presence and this Food draws us into the Trinity. We , too, are transformed , no less than Francis , if we allow, into Christ, Bread for the Poor.

When following Francis and being in Assisi it is so easy to believe that Christ is in the Father and the Father is in Him. And the love between them is the Spirit.
You are all in my prayers. Buen camino. Padre Francesco